Chair of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

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Timo Kaufmann

Timo Kaufmann, M.Sc.

PhD student, Research assistant


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Institute of Informatics
Chair of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Prof. Dr. Eyke Hüllermeier
80799 München

Room: 110
Phone: +49 (0)89 2180 73448

Website: Personal website and blog

Research Focus

My research is focused on developing novel techniques that combine reinforcement learning and preference learning to ensure that agents solve the right problems efficiently and robustly. Specifically, I’m interested in the intersection of these two fields and how they can be used to help agents learn and quickly learn the right behaviors in novel environments. Through my work, I hope to contribute to the advancement of AI and its ability to solve complex problems in the real world.

Research Areas

  • Reinforcement Learning, Preference Learning, Active Learning, Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF)